There will be faults if the system loses its stability through analyzing system response function with Nyquist criterion. 通过Nyquist稳定判据分析系统频响函数,如果系统不稳定,将有故障存在。
A method applying the generalized Nyquist diagram the accurate application of Nyquist stability criterion of Bode diagram 广义复面曲线的一种应用方法准确运用伯德图中奈奎斯特稳定判据
Based on the Nyquist stability criterion, the infinite limit to the control parameter is simplified into a finite limit so as to find the stabilizing set of the P controller easily. 该算法基于Nyquist稳定判据,将控制参数的无限约束转化为有限约束,从而能够容易地确定P控制器的稳定参数集。
Moreover, the dissertation presents a stability analysis for the TCP/ LRED ( Loss ratio based Random Early Detection) delayed feedback system by the classical Nyquist stability criterion. 此外,运用经典的Nyquist稳定性判据,给出了TCP/LRED(LossratiobasedRandomEarlyDetection)互联系统的稳定性条件。
According to the Nyquist stability criterion, eigenvalue theory and LQR control theory, the calculating formulae for time-delay of the structure-modal active control system with displacement-velocity feedback have been derived. Next, the maximum allowable time-delay of the structure-modal active control system can be calculated. 根据Nyquist稳定性准则、特征值原理和LQR控制原理,导出了结构模态主动控制系统的位移速度反馈的时滞计算公式,进而可求得结构模态主动控制系统的最大允许时滞。
According to the comparison between the GFS and the FSN, which is a non-linear optimization procedure based on the Nyquist stability criterion, the focus of the analysis is put onto the instability effects caused by the milling force level and the radial cutting constants. 在考虑了主轴陀螺效应的基础上,着重分析了切向铣削力参数和径向铣削力参数对铣削系统稳定性的影响,比较了广义傅里叶级数法与基于奈奎斯特稳定性判据的非线性优化法的结果。
The Nyquist stability criterion judges the closed-loop systems 'stability, according to the system's open-loop frequency characteristic. 而Nyquist稳定判据则根据系统的开环频率特性判断闭环系统稳定性。
Based on the Nyquist stability criterion and the parametrization of simultaneously stabilizing controller, the ∞ norm simultaneous stabilization performance design problem of a family of SISO stable minimum phase plants is discussed. 基于奈氏(Nyquist)稳定性判据和同时镇定控制器参数化结果,对一类SISO稳定最小相位被控对象同时镇定∞范数性能设计问题进行了讨论。
In order to investigate the influence of the communication delays on the quality of service ( QoS) of the Internet, the stability of an AQM algorithm with communication delays is studied by applying the general Nyquist criterion. 为了调查通信时延对Internet服务质量的影响,借助广义Nyquist判据研究了具有通信时延的AQM策略的稳定性。
The stability of a linear system can be determined in the frequency domain by utilizing Nyquist stability criterion. Nyquist判据是频域中判断系统稳定性的判据。